15 years of Kosciuszko Heritage Inc 2007-2022

15 years of Kosciuszko Heritage Inc 2007-2022

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P.E. Strzelecki - PODRÓŻNIK - ODKRYWCA - FILANTROP - 08.2021

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P.E. Strzelecki - PODRÓŻNIK - ODKRYWCA - FILANTROP - 08.2021

Zobacz więcej na http://www.zrobtosam.com/PulsPol/Puls3/index.php?sekcja=1&arty_id=21162

Strzelecki Omeo Digital Festival

Celebrating 180th anniversary of naming Mt Kosciuszko and of exploration of Gippsland. Strzelecki Festival 2020 was to begin today (Friday 27th March) at Soldiers Memorial Hall in Omeo, Gippsland.It took 4 months of hard work to put everything together. Because of coronavirus the whole world came to a standstill. It took even more work - and hope - to transform live event into a digital one. In about a week of mad rush we have succeeded to gather lots of stuff and finally posting it on Youtube. We have managed to finish the task today a few minutes after 5 pm. All we need to do now is to send the link around the world.

See more on http://www.zrobtosam.com/PulsPol/Puls3/index.php?sekcja=1&arty_id=19902

It was in 2007 on the 17th of February. We aimed to be as close as possible to the date 15th February 1840, reported by Paul Edmund Strzelecki as the day he named and climbed Mt Kosciuszko. Later research and James Macarthur notes rectified this date to 12th March 1840. In section Mt Kosciuszko you can read about the wiggled history of naming the Mountain.

This unique event was our starting point. It was organized in 2007 by the Puls Polonii Cultural Foundation, from 2011 registered as Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. In the following video report you can find much more about this historical event and how it came into life. In section Galleries you can find a collection of unique photos taken at the event.

Click here to watch the video on YouTube (in Polish)
Duration: 17:09